We believe architecture is produced within sites of the extremely complex. The analysis of each project results in an intense field of information. This density extends from the forces of client, program, site, economics, politics, tectonics, materials, history, culture and architecture itself. Upon this highly complex mass, our approach seeks to untangle the strands of force and information in order to create a unique fabric. For us, the strongest architectural solutions address diverse, multiple strands of information and create lucid conceptual textures. Thus, the complexity of our work derives from synthesizing diverse strands into legible patterns that not only organize divergent forces, but also create new layers of structure, meaning and interpretation. The choices made regarding which strands to emphasize, which to repress and which to tie, define our position, our critique and our aspiration for any given project.

Our work is as much intuitive and subconscious as it is deliberate and scientific. Thus, this description is very much a reflective process; an attempt to trace and understand the concerns and basis of our work.

As architects, we are in the unique position of seeing specific relationships unavailable to others due to a difference in training and perspective. The development of relationships is highly interpretive, revealing of bias and open to creativity. Thus, we develop a syntax for specific parts, forms or assemblies in a project. We refine and expand this syntax to other areas of the project; thereby seeking a larger coherence, and more lucid meaning.

Apart from mechanical devices, light is the element that prevents architecture from being static. We think of light as an active element that not only renders form and surface, but also has the potential to continually transform architecture. Understanding the effect of light on materials helps us compose juxtapositions of surface and depth. The luminance of surfaces thus adds dimensions of time, temperature and the ephemeral.

While taking many forms, the idea of progression is continually expressed in our work. Whether open to multiple paths, or restricted to a few, architecture cannot help but direct sequence. In our work, we see the experiential sequence as an opportunity to reveal the conceptual structure of the project. Architecture is never experienced as a whole the way drawings and models allow. Instead, a sequence of moments of varying length, collected in memory, compose the comprehensive understanding of a project. This phenomenon is the basis for seeing the architectural promenade as the cipher or key to the syntax and interpretation of a work. In this sense, progression through the project is the primary means for binding idea with experience and, becomes the foundation for the composition of elements and assembly of components. Moments can be structured to add up to a larger whole. Likewise, the purposeful assembly of components, convey the meaning of the larger space.

Historically, pattern and rhythm in architecture followed artificially even, geometric intervals, guiding both structure and façade into expressions of order and consistency. As order and consistency are being displaced by complexity and flux, the results of analysis in our projects rarely becomes linear. Instead, solutions find their form in non-linear geometries. Multi-threaded solutions require a more complex Syntax to bind elements and establish coherence in an otherwise disparate array of elements.