Godspeed NYC
New York City

Micro-guest rooms, already a fixture in Asia and Europe, are beginning to find a place in major US cities. Attention to every detail of material, function and use become magnified, not only because of the smaller space, but the increasingly close proximity and increased interaction with each element of the design.

Psychological as well as physical comfort were key components to the program of the guest rooms. Located at a key corner near Herald Square in Manhattan, the mass and height of the building would be diminutive compared to its neighbors. The figurative expression of color on a gray backdrop, hovering on a frameless glass base, topped by a crown of eight foot high wild grasses, allow the building to stand assertively among giants. Colored metal canopies on each window correspond to the way finding of rooms within. The roof deck provides a protected outdoor refuge for guests in the heart of one Manhattan’s busy central neighborhoods.