Courtyard Canopy
dyD Studios, New York City
Budget and timeframe were tremendously tight, greatly limiting the products and
processes available. Three sculptural canopies zigzag across the entire space,
leading one from entry to the bar, past the kitchen, to the romantic seating
area and finally, ending in an outdoor courtyard. Conceived
through sketches and paper models; the canopies were developed digitally and
then, tested once again in physical model. CAD/CAM fabrication
proved too expensive, so the office fabricated and installed the canopies by hand. Beginning
from a flat square panel, a cross incision at the center is pleated in opposite
directions of the z-axis. The panels are put together in a large grid and
suspended at two edges to form a catenary curve. Two ends are then brought
together to distort the shape into a half cone. Three of these half cones are
set along the diagonal axes described above. The final rear
courtyard canopies open the cones to form a restful, wing like cover.